Saturday, December 28, 2019

International Motivaction study: "Millennials are the generation of revolutionary change"

The Dutch research agency Motivaction has 'even' interviewed 48,000 adults (18-65 years) * about their motivations, lifestyle and behavior. This Glocalities study compares the values ​​of 18,066 millennials from 19 countries with older generations. Are the much-described prejudices about this group true? On the basis of the segmentation model you would think so: compared to the elderly, young adults more often belong to the 'challengers' (32%), 'creative' (23%) and 'performers' (20%), and less often to the groups of 'conservatives' (15%) and 'socializers' (11%).

In particular, read the research report  The disruptive mindset of millennials around the globe  (pdf) - interesting cost, if only for this type of sentence: "The revolution that has shaped the life of millennials is technological in nature." By way of summary, these are the five most important descriptions of millennials from large-scale research:

Millennials are competitive, globally oriented, imaginative and worried
Compared to older generations, millennials are more cosmopolitan, consumption-oriented, competitive, networking, self-oriented, open-minded, flexible, culturally active and imaginative, but also concerned about the future. Almost half of the millennials like to stand out, twice as many as the post-war generation; they want to be seen and respected.
There is a gap between global and local millennials
Within the millennial generation there is a clear separation between those who are internationally oriented (active in the areas of consumption, culture and the internet) and those who are predominantly local or national (difficulties with navigating through modern life).
Millennials in emerging economies are fundamentally different
The millennials as often presented by Western trend watchers (open-minded, active and post-modern; the 'creative' segment) differ fundamentally from the performance-oriented millennials in emerging economies such as China and Russia. This segment of 'achievers' is more about matters such as family, community, status and career, with considerable purchasing power.
Challengers represent an enormous potential market
The greatest market potential among the millennials can be found in the value segment 'challengers'. They are competitive employees in the lower and middle classes with a fascination for money, risk and adventure. They don't have much money to spend, but they do embrace new technologies. They use online platforms and technology to limit the costs for goods and services.
Millennials are going to disrupt current models in the financial sector
The susceptibility to disruptive new technologies among millennials is much higher than among older generations. Since millennials have a strong fascination for money, the financial sector is an obvious candidate for a revolution, as happened previously in the field of music, photography, media and making purchases. Millennials are more open to peer-to-peer financing than older generations and they would consider large non-financial companies (such as Google) for financial services.
"Millennials are unconventional thinkers and they are open to change, much more so than older generations." [Martijn Lampert of Motivaction v. Reuters news agency , following a presentation in San Francisco]

youth programs nz

What can we expect from millennials? The researchers call them the generation of revolutionary change. For millennials, the internet and communication technologies are not luxury products as they are experienced by the elderly, but are simply regarded as a new standard. As a result, enormous changes are taking place and their speed and impact are still increasing. In short: expect even more technological innovations that will radically change the way we live ...

* In December 2013 / January 2014, more than 48,000 consumers aged 18-65 were surveyed in 20 countries: the US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, Japan, China, South Korea, India, Russia, Turkey, South Africa , Italy, Poland, Germany, France, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The report does not include the results from India because of the very low internet penetration. As a result, the analyzes are based on 45,710 respondents from 19 countries. The 18,066 millennials in the study were born between 1980 and 1995 (millennials younger than 18 were therefore not included). They are set against 13,245 baby boomers (also known as the post-war generation; born between 1945 and 1964) and against 14,399 generation X'ers ​​(born between 1965 and 1979).

Sunday, November 24, 2019


Organize an event, how do you start? What tools are available to develop your event? Format organizes all kinds of events every year, from RADAR weekends to study days and a team day. We have therefore collected quite a few tools, tips & tricks that we would like to share with you.
Before we give up our tools, let's take the Peter Decuypere event tips. Peter is a founding father of, among others, I Love Techno in Ghent and the club Fuse in Brussels and has already given a few fascinating workshops at RADAR. He wrote books such as "We love events" and "Holy Trinity Events," which we can certainly recommend.

Conversation event and real-time event' and 'the event management circle' are the three essentials that are organically linked and that form the basis of successful management.” This is how Peter Recuperate puts it in his book We love events from shore. Let's take a look at these essentials before we really get started with tools to get the real-time event organized.

What must definitely be in an event to be able to speak of an event. They are eight elements that you can use to organize and analyze any type of event. The way you fill in those building blocks makes your event unique. These eight elements are:

entertainment: show and services
target group: your audience, participants or event providers
management: organizing team
event goal
Peter makes a distinction between a real-time event - 'the real event that you experience' - and the conversation event - the event that you experience online. The third essential is the event management circle. This overarching structure of an event can be divided chronologically into eight phases:

production of the conversation event (or marketing)
production of the real-time event
Let us explain the following five major 'event hooks ': concept, budget, planning & production, business management and marketing.

WHY-HOW-WHAT (the golden circle)
According to author Simon Sinek, who introduced the Golden Circle, you can reduce the success of your event to three principles: what you do, how you do it and why you do it. And with that last question you start: the 'why' is the most important element in your communication.

By defining the why, you not only make it clear to yourself what your event is all about. It also gives you insight into why your target audience should come to your event. What's in it for them?

When developing your concept further, you give substance to your event idea by making a thorough analysis. To create a project design, ask the following questions:

Reason: Why are we doing this? (the 'why' of the Golden Circle)
Situation: What is the situation and what needs to change?
Target group: Who are they? What do they want?
Solution authorities: Who are they? How can they contribute to the project? What do they want
Objectives: What criteria / minima are needed for you to speak of a successful event? Formulate your objectives SMART: Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic, Time-bound.
Team composition: Who or what do you need in your team? You not only need thinkers but also doers, someone with a strong network or knowledge on theme X. Find out who you all need.
Download here a template for a project plan

Budgeting and budgeting are not the sexiest concepts when organizing an event, but they are absolutely necessary to bring your event to a successful conclusion. A budget that is in order gives financial peace. Drawing up a realistic budget is therefore one of the first steps you have to take. Do this together with your event team so that everyone can gain insight into the financial situation. In addition, appoint a budget manager who is responsible for the financial overview in the run-up to, during and after the event. Because a budget must also be followed: if there are changes during the process, adjustments can be made in time. This way you will not be left behind with a financial hangover after the event.

Map the income.
Can you apply for a grant? Are you going to rely on sponsorship? Do you work with entrance tickets? How many visitors do you expect and how many drinks will they consume?
Map the expenses .
Start with the insurmountable expenses: purchase of drinks, Sabam, possibly additional insurance, payment for artists, light and sound ...
You can then enter additional expenses: clothing, Facebook adds, wristbands ...
Calculate 10 percent variable expenses to have a healthy margin.
Make a breakeven balance (expenses and income are equal, no gains or losses).
How many extra resources do you need for this? How many attendees should there be, and is that realistic? On the basis of this breakeven balance you can decide with the working group to possibly look for more sponsorship, to bring in your own resources for the organization, to determine the drink price ...
Monitor the budget and adjust if necessary. The budget manager keeps an eye on the budget . Is a very large sponsor suddenly appearing? Then you could possibly invest more in a sound system, or do extra promotion , or ... A budget creates opportunities.
Download here a template for (events) budget
Let's break it down: WorkBreakdownStructure (WBS)
By creating a WBS you map step-by-step all the parts that are involved in your event. In order of structure it goes as follows: youth organisation nz

State the intended project result .
You write the (working) name of your event here.
State the most important areas of attention .
For RADAR, the most important areas of attention are , for example, substantive preparation, promotion & registration, practical & logistics , evaluation.
Name the tasks that fall under the focus areas.
You 'break up' your focus areas further into smaller tasks. For RADAR, tasks under the focus area are practical and logistical, for example material, budget management & administration , accommodation and the weekend itself.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Prevent depression in 3 easy steps

Life is not always pink and moonshine. Sometimes it is a bit disappointing, but it is not a problem. Try to enjoy life every day like the people around the Mediterranean and prevent depression. Choose a Mediterranean diet, cuddle your family and let your struggles wait for mañana. How to prevent depression in 3 simple steps!

Step 1: Opt for a Mediterranean diet and lifestyle
Do like the Italians, Spaniards and Greeks and eat delicious fresh vegetables, fruit, fish, whole-grain products, nuts and olive oil daily . You make your body happy with it, because the Mediterranean foods are incredibly healthy . They provide energy , are good for heart and blood vessels and are packed with substances that make you happy , so that you prevent depression. So allow yourself that Mediterranean vacation every day. And ... head out, just like you do on vacation. Go outside into caring for plenty of exercise . Experience how pleasant it is to feel the wind on your face and the sun - or even a rain shower - on your skin. Preferably make itthree times a week, for example, a brisk walk or bike ride of thirty minutes.

According to studies, regular exercise is a great remedy to combat sad feelings and listlessness. So do you want to prevent depression? Eat tasty Mediterranean food and look outside. Just do it! You will see: you will feel less down in the foreseeable future.

 Let-that-mom-you-agree-nice-hugStep 2: Let 'that mommy' hug you
Do you feel a dip coming and you don't feel like anything? Strengthen your social contacts and surround yourself more often with family and friends , just like the residents of Italy, Spain and Greece do. Have a nice hug from 'that mommy'. Because the security of your social network is pre-eminently the place to let your feelings and thoughts run free. Whether you are angry, sad, unhappy or sad. youth employment

Good contacts with family and friends are there to welcome you and help you. Invite those family and friends to do things together . From cozy cooking, picnicking outside, picking up a movie theater, grabbing a terrace to socializing at home. Enjoy the moment and the conversations, the laughter, the harassment and so on. Let the worries and chimeras for what they are and hug your depressive symptoms away. 

Step 3: Embrace the mañana principle
Are you tense, do you worry a lot and do you feel restless? Try to take life less seriously and relax more. Take an example to the residents of the Mediterranean countries. Enjoy and live in the here and now, as you probably do on vacation. So don't worry about things that you can't solve in a minute. That only makes you feel increasingly unhappy.

Embrace the mañana principle . Focus on all the beauty that life offers you this moment. If necessary, write it on a note and put it in your wallet. Or: make a note in your smartphone and watch it every time you are overwhelmed by depressed emotions. Those feelings only cause a negative self-image and there is a good chance that you will radiate that. Stop it and pick the day.

Take life as it is and do things that make you feel happy , provide positive energy and thus contribute to your happiness in life. Without of course trivializing the real problems. Leave what you cannot solve today, wait until mañana and prevent depression.

Help to prevent depression
Do you suffer from gloomy thoughts and listless feelings for more than two weeks? And do you notice that those depressive symptoms are getting worse? Just to be sure, contact your doctor , who can look with you at the possibilities to give you a push in the right direction.

For more details

Friday, September 20, 2019

Instruments and inspiration for professionals who work with young people

Five municipalities and six youth organizations have worked on their own professionalization task with the support of the 'Samen Beter, Beter Samen' development agenda of the Professionalization of Youth Care and Youth Protection (PJ&J) program. We searched for new forms that help professionals learn together, not only within their own organization, but also in other organizations and municipalities.
These 'development sites' have worked on a variety of instruments that can inspire professionals and other providers of youth assistance and youth protection and bring them further into learning together. Within the development sites, films, magazines, games and manuals have been developed under two themes:

Toolkit PJ&J
You will find even more useful tools on the website of the Professionalization Youth Care and Youth Protection program. The Professionalization Youth Care and Youth Protection toolkit contains, among other things, the 'Guide to Professional Registration and Re-Registration: What Does It Require from You? " you as a professional have the ability to act autonomously and what this requires from the organization, and many more practical tools for every professional in the youth domain.

View the toolkit

Information meetings
You can also register for one of the information meetings that the program organizes for professionals, providers and municipalities. The meetings take place throughout the country and participation is free. During the meetings, topical themes and the latest developments concerning professionalization in youth care and youth protection are central. In workshops you work with colleagues on it. Under the guidance of experienced workshop leaders you get information, share your experiences with colleagues from the professional field and discuss your questions.

Get more details: youth organisation nz